Bismaillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem I came to Islam just a little over a year ago
alhamdulillah , When it comes to researching something new, I am like
a dog with a bone. One sister posted something very poignant to the list that just lit my light bulb and that was something to the effect of "if it was not something that is Sunnah, then the Prophet (saws) would not have made a point of telling women that they are NOT to cover their face during hajj/umrah or during prayer". That's all I needed to hear. How could I argue
with logic like that? There have been many benefits to wearing it. It's Sunnah and pleasing to Allah first and foremost. Men can look but they don't get to see anything. I get respect like I have never seen before , I don't have to fear facing people if I have a cold sore (I have always dreaded going out in public during an outbreak). I have not had an outbreak since wearing it. One of the causes of bringing on a cold sore is exposure to the sun (among other things such as medication and stress). I don't have to worry about getting sunburned (I am extremely fair skinned). If I don't get sunburned, then I won't get wrinkled (tan skin is damaged skin). People can't judge me on my physical beauty or lack of it. They can't judge me on my age. This has been absolutely liberating. I thought that just the scarf was liberating, but proper hijaab is like the icing on the cake. Proper Hijaab: Never leave home without it. Fi Amanillah |